Snafu Hall

Everything lands somewhere, some lands here

Sep 9, 2007


I used to smoke cigarettes. Now, I smoke a pipe. When I switched (this time), my local drugstore still had the same stock of "Half & Half" pipe tobacco that they'd had the last time i quit smoking cigarettes, back in 1996. I finished the two cans they had in June. The new stuff deserves the bad reviews.

Hunting for more on the intarweb led me to the shocking news that the company that used to make Half&Half doesn't anymore, and I might've been enjoying the last couple cans of "the real stuff" around (should've sold them...)

Shopping for alternatives led me to this gem of marketing speak:

"The premium version of Captain Black regular."

Oh. Really. Premium.

I think I'd rather go out and strip the husks from last year's unharvested rotted cornstalks, feed those to my dog, and then dry, shred and smoke the result; than experiance something billed as a premium Cpt Black. May the perpetrators of that sentence be forgiven...

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